All of this sewing has me hungry.  Let’s have a break for a minute.  After all… one has to sustain, right?  Once I get rolling, I hope to be trying more new recipes and posting about them in addition to my other creations.  Cooking and baking are creative, too!

I have to warn you… I am about to link you to a blog that is very, very dangerous.  If you have not yet met The Girl Who Ate Everything (and no, I am not referring to myself), you are missing out.  I am an insanely picky eater, yet I am constantly temped by her posts.  Super yum.

The first recipe from this site that I attempted was Baked Zucchini Fries.  It was a bold move.  I do not like zucchini.  It tastes like a garden.  But I am trying to balance out the “oh no! what do we feed the kids today?” meals the kids get with healthy food, in hopes of transitioning all of our eating habits to the More Rabbit-Like category.   The fries were okay — probably really good if you like zucchini.  Not too dirt-flavored.  Ella liked them, I think.  I’ll probably make them again one day when I have more time and less zucchini.

This time, I ventured into more familiar territory.  Chocolate.  I can totally do chocolate.  White chocolate is not my favorite thing — it is not even chocolate, after all.  What a scam.  But  balanced with some dark chocolate, there is enough of the dark stuff to go around.  And how cute are these??

Eggs and bacon.  Do you see it?  LOVE them!  And they were so easy.  My trusty assistant, Ella, helped me out by pairing the pretzels, sorting the M&M’s and then placing the candies after I squeezed on the white chocolate.  Even better is that they set really fast, so they can be enjoyed in a flash.

The original plan was to do the “Green Eggs and Ham” version with Ella and my niece, Abby, over the weekend and then read the book while enjoying our creations.  Time didn’t really permit that, but Ella and I were able to make up a batch to take with us on our visit to Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.  They were a great little snack to have on hand!